We all know what it’s like to watch a truly great movie. Sometimes you can watch a film that moves you so much, whether it’s through laughter or tears, that you remember it forever and think of it regularly throughout your life.

But sometimes, this can happen when a movie is simply so bad, that it becomes an unforgettable moment of cinema history for the wrong reasons.

We’ve put together a list of the definitively biggest flops in film history—all receiving extremely low rating at Rotten Tomatoes—and some are so bad, they’re good.

Staying Alive

The 1977 classic Saturday Night Fever changed movie history forever and made John Travolta a bona fide Hollywood superstar. But unfortunately, not everyone remembers the ill-fated sequel to this masterpiece—1983’s Staying Alive.

The sequel was universally panned by critics, who felt that it missed the gritty realism of the first movie. In fact, Entertainment Weekly named it the “Worst Sequel Ever”.

“This sequel to Saturday Night Fever is shockingly embarrassing and unnecessary,” Rotten Tomatoes said, “trading the original’s dramatic depth for a series of uninspired dance sequences.”

Staying Alive

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