Fight Club is an edgy film that people have been obsessed with for decades.

While it’s the movie’s ending twist that draws in attention, the process behind the scenes is equally as fascinating.

The story between The Narrator, played by Edward Norton, and Tyler Durden, played by Brad Pitt, is both philosophical and comedic, and opens the viewer’s mind to the battle of morality and societal standards. But the combination of David Fincher’s creative directing and the juicy production secrets is what makes this comical psychological thriller into a cinematic adventure.

We all know that the first rule of fight club is “You do not talk about Fight Club”, but this is a risk we are willing to take!

So let’s set ourselves free and talk about the secrets that went into creating this magnificent motion picture.

Is the Movie Based on a True Story?

Usually, the first question that comes to mind when you watch a movie is: is this based on a true story?

Well, the concept of the story is real, but the movie is actually based on a novel written by Chuck Palahniuk.

The novel’s story was inspired by a camping trip that author Palahniuk took one weekend.

According to IMDB, Palahniuk was “beaten up on a camping trip when he complained to some nearby campers about the noise of their radio. When he returned to work, he was fascinated to find that nobody would mention or acknowledge his injuries…”

Is the Movie Based on a True Story?

But Palahniuk wasn’t initially focused on the idea of a fight club as something else was more intriguing.

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