In 1994, an American classic was made. Robert Lee Zemeckis directed a movie based on a novel by Winston Groom ‘Forrest Gump’. Leading role went to Tom Hanks, who gave one of the best performances in his career. Emotional and funny, the movie was highly rated by critics and viewers, and also performed exceptionally well at the box office. Here are some of the facts that perhaps you didn’t know about this all-time favorite classic:

Forrest’s Famous Accent

Everyone loved Forrest Gump’s strange accent in the movie. It gave the character distinctive charm. Tom Hanks’ co-star Michael Conner Humphrey, who played young Forrest actually had that accent, which Hanks learned to like, so eventually, they decided that Forrest Gump should speak with that accent as well. Michael Conner Humphrey himself got plenty of critical acclaim for this movie, e.g. he received the Young Artist Award.

Forrest's Famous Accent

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